What are Backlinks and How you can make quality Backlinks

Today I will tell you what is backlink, how to make backlink? And how important is backlink for any website or blog. Many bloggers who have recently started a new blog or website have a hard time understanding what the term “backlink” means. Answering all these questions, today I will explain in very simple words that what is backlink and what is the work of backlink. So let’s first understand what is backlink?
When the link of a webpage or website is linked to another website, it is called a backlink. Simply, when I put a link to my website on another website, it will be called a backlink of my website. Backlinks play a very crucial role in getting any website ranked in the search engine.
Let me give you a funny example to explain backlinks. You must have often heard that when there is a quarrel between two people, then one person speaks. Don’t you know that my reach is up to the top. This access is called backlink as the above word refers to its authority.
That is, linking of one website with another website is called backlink. So friends, you must have understood that what is Backlink. Now let us look at how many types of backlinks are there and their importance for any website.
Types of Backlinks
Basically there are two types of Backlinks they are:
- Do-Follow Backlinks
- No-Follow Backlinks
Now I will explain these two types of Backlinks one by one.
Do-Follow Backlinks
Google implemented the concept of Do-follow backlink in the year 2005 with the aim of reducing spam link index in Search Engine and improving the results of Search Engine. Do-follow backlink is also called Juicy link. Do-follow links are helpful in increasing the SERP i.e. Search Engine Ranking Position of any website. See the example below to understand Do-follow backlinks, after that I will explain you in another way what is Do-follow backlink.
<a href="http://EasyBlogging.net" rel="dofollow">EasyBlogging</a>
<a href="http://EasyBlogging.net">EasyBlogging</a>
<a href="http://EasyBlogging.net" rel="external">EasyBlogging</a>
Now come to another way: Friends, like I put my link on another website, after that when Google or any other search engine’s robot crawls the links of that website, then the Dofollow tag allows the robot to index the link i.e, the link that I have placed on other website will be indexed by search engines. This is called do-follow backlink.
Benefits of Do-Follow Backlinks
- Improves page rank.
- Improves the authority of the blog or website.
- Increases the ranking of content in the search engine.
No-Follow Backlinks
No-follow links are not juicy links and this type of backlink is not indexed in google or search engine. When google or search engine robot visits a website, the tag of no-follow prevents the robot from indexing the link which are no-follow backlinks. But this does not imply that no-follow backlinks are of no importance.
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Nofollow backlinks are also helpful in increasing the rank of the website but it does not give much benefit as compared to dofollow backlinks. But whenever you make a backlink, you should also make nofollow links of dofollow. Because there are many such authority websites from where you get a lot of traffic by making nofollow links, which is very important for your website.
<a href="http://EasyBlogging.net" rel="nofollow">EasyBlogging</a>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://EasyBlogging.net">EasyBlogging</a>
Benefits of No-Follow Backlinks
- Improves Search Engine rankings
- No-follow backlinks with do-follow balance the website, it protects you from updates that penalize you for making backlinks.
- DA, PA & other metrics are helpful in improving website ranking.
Difference between Do-Follow and No-Follow Backlinks
Even after understanding the two types of backlinks, if any confusion remains in your mind regarding the difference between both types of backlinks, then I will explain the difference by giving a social example.
- Dofollow backlinks are just that type of relationship like “my uncle is MLA”. Now there is no need to understand your power. Surely you must have some spark in you.
- Nofollow backlinks “My distant relatives are MLAs” It is clear from this line that there will not be much fire, but some will be useful if needed.
So friends, you must have understood that what is backlink and how important it is for any website. Now I am going to tell you about some terms related to backlinks, without which the information of backlink will remain incomplete. Another factor is:
- Link Juice: When the link of a web page or website is linked to any page or post of your blog or website, then the link flow passes from there and reaches your website, it is called Link juice. Link juice helps in ranking any article or website, as well as it also increases the Domain Authority of your website.
- High-Quality Links: High quality backlinks are called Quality backlinks. A link taken from the website of a high DA, PA is called High-Quality Links. These types of links are helpful in boosting the rank of your website. Even if you get nofollow backlink from such a website, it is very effective in increasing your website rank.
- Low-Quality Links: Low-quality links are such links which are links created from a spam site, automated or porn website. Such links are very dangerous for your website.
- Internal Links: Internal Links are those links which are directed from any page or article of any website to any page or article of the same website, it is called Internal Links. Most bloggers write such posts in which they can give maximum internal links. It has many advantages, the first advantage is that the user reads many posts of your website, the second advantage is that you get a backlink, and the third advantage is that your Website Bounce Rate decreases, which increases the ranking of your website.
- Anchor Text: The text that is used with hyperlinks is called anchor text. Backlinks are created by using your keywords in anchor text. This is the most popular way of making backlinks and works the most. Whenever you create a backlink from anywhere, make sure to use anchor text.
How to make Backlinks
Friends, by now you must have understood completely what is Backlink? Now I will tell you how to make backlink. I have told in many of my posts that Learn and Earn. If you want to make a career on the internet, then you need a lot of patience and this is a line in which you can earn money while learning.
That’s why whenever you create a backlink, it takes one week to a month to get indexed in the search engine. So be patient, the ranking of your website or blog will increase gradually.
Backlinks play an important role in Google’s First Page ranking of your blog / website, if all the metrics of google are followed while making backlinks, then as a result your blog starts to rank on first page of Google Search. So let’s know how to make backlinks.
- Comments Backlinks: These types of links are created by commenting on the post of another website. Generally this type of backlink comes under the category of nofollow backlink. But in some way or the other, your website is benefited, so it is also very important to make comment backlinks.
- Guest Post Backlinks: By writing a post for another website and putting the link of your website or article in the text anchor, the links generated are called guest post backlinks. Backlinks created by guest posting are mostly dofollow backlinks. This type of backlink brings the rank of the site up very fast in the search engine.
- Profile backlink: There are many such websites where you get profile backlinks, these are from dofollow to nofollow, such backlinks are also very useful and are helpful in increasing SERP.
- Internal backlinks: Friends, whenever you write an article, do give a link to the web page of your other post, I have already told you that these types of links also play a very good role in increasing the value of your site.