
Everything you need to know about Guest Post

Everything you need to know about Guest Post

Today we will learn about “Guest Posting”, how to do it, why it is necessary to do guest post and what are the things you have to take care of while doing guest a post. So let’s get started.

What is a Guest Post

Guest post means writing a post (which contains a link to our own website) for someone else’s website or blog. Publishing the post from the owner of the website is known as “guest posting”.

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For example: Like by writing posts for yourself. You publish posts in your blog, in the same way if you write a post for someone else’s blog and the owner of that blog publishes your written post on his/her blog. So you call it “guest posting” and the post written by you is called guest post.

Rules for Guest Post

  • First of all, do a good research on that topic. On which you want to post Guest.
  • Find a blog/website on which there is no copyright post, and the blog should have a good score on DA i.e. Domain Authority, PA (Page Authority) and Alexa rank. Then choose one of those blogs for your guest post.
  • Prepare your post according to the conditions of the selected blog.
  • Keep in mind that whenever you write a guest post, write such content in that post. There should be no match with the content published on other sites. That is, the content of your post should be unique.
  • Write a guest post of at least 500 words.
  • You must add your name and Blog Name in the post.
  • Pay full attention to SEO and keywords while writing a post, then according to the policy of the blog, send your guest post to the owner of the blog.

Why Guest Post is important

There are many benefits of guest posting for all of us. Some of the benefits are:

  • You get High-Quality Backlinks from Guest Posting.
  • Your writing skill improves.
  • Guest posting on different website leads to Traffic Increase on your website.
  • You build good relationships with other bloggers.
  • External Links are generated for your website.
  • Guest posting on popular sites also leads to branding of your blog.
  • Guest Post gives Free Traffic for Life Time on your Blog.

Points to remember while writing a Guest Post

  • One or two photos related to Guest Post are necessary.
  • There should not be any copyright content in your post.
  • Your added photos and videos should also be copyright free.
  • Your post should also follow the rules of Google Adsense.
  • Along with your blog post, also give author name, email address and your blog URL.
  • Do not give any wrong information in your post.

If you follow all the points mentioned in this post, then definitely you can take good advantage of guest posting. If still have some queries feel free to ask me in the comments.